Archive for Seekers

Two New Seekers Covers!

First of all, I would just like to say a late Happy Canada Day to all the Canadians (I’m one of the few Americans who haven’t forgotten about you) and an early Happy Fourth of July to all my fellow Americans (America is the only country in the world that refers to a holiday by its date).

And, of course, we now have the cover for Spirits in the Stars (the last title in the first Seekers series):

And the cover for the second seekers Manga, Kallik’s Adventure:

Also, I have added anew poll, asking you about your summer reading choices. I think I just managed to make that sound really, really creepy.

Two New Seekers Realeases!

And I say realeases because one of them is just Smoke Mountain (Seekers #3) in paperback.

But the second one is an actual release; Seeekers #5, Fire in the Sky! I’m looking foward to some good previews in the back…

Update; I’ve been told that there’s an excerpt from SKYCLAN”S DESTINY at the back. Too bad I just realized that I (leagally) can’t post it on here, but I’ll tell you what happens.

Browse Inside Inside Seekers #5; Fire in the Sky

Click here to browse inside the fifth Seekers title! I can’t view on my compute, so tell me if there’s any spoilers!

SkyClan’s Destiny and Fire in the Sky Descriptions!

Here’s the description for Skyclan’s Destiny;

Leafstar is struggling to rebuild SkyClan in a territory far from the other warrior Clans, but new and unexpected threats continue to plague her Clanmates. As dissent grows from within, Leafstar must face the one question she dreads: is SkyClan meant to survive?

And here’s the one for Fire in the Sky (Seekers #5);

The three cubs—Kallik, Toklo, and Lusa—along with their shape-shifting companion, Ujurak, stand on the edge of the sea-ice under the blazing Northern Lights. The land has come to an end, but the bears’ journey is far from over. Now they must put their trust in Kallik’s paws, as she feels the ice pulling her out toward the ocean.

Life on the ice is more difficult than the bears imagined. While Kallik struggles to remember her polar bear roots, Toklo bristles in the unfamiliar territory and Lusa gets weaker by the day; black and brown bears don’t belong on the ice. Meanwhile, Ujurak learns firsthand what lurks beneath the whorls and bubbles of the ice, and what he discovers will change everything.

Just when it seems like they’ll never survive in the frozen wilderness, a mystical encounter with a bear spirit assures them that all will be well. But this strange vision leads to even more questions, and ultimately it might tear the bears apart—this time for good—as the next steps of their journey come into focus.”

Like all Erin Hunter descriptions, they don’t give away much anything, so we don’t have any spoilers.


New AuthorTracker!

But before we get into that, let me introduce to you a new graphic you’ll be seeing around here whenever a new Warriors/Seekers book is released:


Power of Three #6: Sunrise; in paperback!

The entire third series is now available in paperback.

Also, this site has reached 4,000 views! My goal is 10,000 before 2011, and it looks like we’re going to make it.

And, finally, here’s the Author Tracker:

Hi everyone!

I’m coming on TOUR! I’m coming on TOUR! I’m coming on TOUR! Nope, not excited about it at all… It’s only a matter of WEEKS until Omen of the Stars Book Two: Fading Echoes comes out, and then just DAYS after that my tour begins! Oh yay, come and see me, please! There will be questions and answers and a reading and a glimpse into what it’s like being one of the Erins and having The Best Job In The World, and a chance to meet other fans and COOKIES. (P.S. I lied about the cookies.)

The schedule will be here ANY DAY NOW, so start PESTERING your parents/older siblings to take you to the nearest event. People in the northern half of the US, I’m afraid I won’t be seeing you this time around but if the southern folk turn up in droves, I’ll be back to visit soon! And don’t worry about missing out on the action because you can’t make it to an event. I’ll be posting my daily Tour Diary on the website, along with all the Special Purrs that you fabulous people earn by being Best Fans In The World Ever.

Okay, enough with the excitement, I’m giving myself a headache. I did get to enjoy some splendid visits to schools recently via the wonders of Skype and webcams, but nothing beats seeing you wonderful readers in person! If you saw me on a giant screen back then, hello! That was a lot of fun, even though it was a little strange going into sparkly Erin Hunter-mode in my very humdrum spare bedroom, with Missy wandering around in the background.

Has anyone finished Seekers Book Four: The Last Wilderness? What did you think?! I’d love to hear what you thought about getting Ujurak’s perspective for the first time. He’s an amazing character to write – I’m slightly in awe of his powers so I sometimes find it hard to imagine exactly what is going through his mind. His role is so vast that I’ve tried to spread it over the second half of the series, and even in Book Six: Spirits in the Stars, which Cherith and I are working on at the moment, I feel as if I still have much to learn about him.

For those of you who have whizzed on starry paws through The Last Wilderness, you can start counting down to March 23rd, when Fading Echoes appears. This book has been more eagerly anticipated than any other that I can remember – and for those of you still wondering, the central cat on the cover is Dovepaw’ s littermate, Ivypaw. Speaking of questions, we’ve updated the FAQ and the Ask Erin sections on the website, so head to If you’re still puzzling over something, you might find the answer!

You can now add the paperback edition of Power of Three Book Six: Sunrise to your collection. This will be on sale March 9th. I can’t believe the whole third series is now available in paperback! Where does the time go?

Amid the giddiness of packing my purple suitcase to come on tour (you can never be ready too early, that’s my motto), I’ve still found time to listen to other people’s stories. This month’s choice comes from my dentist (strange, I know, but it’s always a one-way conversation when you’re lying in the chair with your mouth wedged open and a handful of metal shoved inside). Apparently my rather diminutive and twinkly-eyed dentist, Sachim, started out as a big cat dentist in South Africa! He worked mainly on lions, who get kind of cranky when there is something wrong with their teeth. Sachim said he was never scared because he had a very trustworthy anaesthetist sending the big cats to sleep before he got near them; in fact, Sachim finds humans more difficult because we have such tiny mouths! I can see his point, but he must find it reassuring now that none of his patients want to eat him.

I’ll be writing to you again in April, of course, but by the time you receive that letter I’ll already be ON TOUR so this is my last chance to say please, please, please come and see me if you can. I may not be able to promise cookies, but I can promise a whole heap of cat-and bear-themed mayhem.

To whet your appetite further for the upcoming Warriors releases – Ravenpaw’s second manga, A Clan in Need, launches the same time as Fading Echoes – I highly recommend a visit to the Awesome Adventure website — Here you’ll find online games and quizzes based on all the most adventurous books from HarperCollins Children’s Books, including Warriors, of course. The Warriors game is a bejewelled puzzle (which means you have to click and match rows of cats to score points) and it’s HARD. Then again, I am incredibly slow when it comes to animated games, so perhaps you’ll all effortlessly trounce my score of 590 points… As well as playing the free games, you’ll find lots more adventurous books to tempt you, as well as a chance to win a weekly prize.

With love and good wishes,
Erin x

New AuthorTracker!

Hi everyone,
It’s only a matter of weeks until Warriors: Omen of the Stars #2: Fading Echoes comes out at the end of March – and I can’t wait to come on tour in April to discuss it with you all! No doubt most of you will have read it by then and have dozens of questions to fire at me. Note to self: re-read the book on the plane! I’m thinking about Book Four right now, so I need to do a mental rewind and catch up to the current story. More details of my tour will be posted on as soon as they’re available, so keep checking!

Remember how I promised to listen more than talk in the January letter? Well, it paid off handsomely during a recent trip to Ireland. Although I was there for a funeral, it felt like a very positive, celebratory occasion, and it was a great chance to meet some members of the last generation of rural Irishmen (and women!) who had grown up during the middle of the twentieth century. Back then, life in Ireland was very different even from countries like England and America. It was unusual for houses to have electricity or running water, and children often left school at thirteen to work on the family farm or run the house while their parents worked. I was enchanted to hear about cows being milked by hand, and courtships that went on for years because a boy was too shy to ask a girl out on a date. Girls never asked first back then! It’s surprising how much you can find out if you’re brave enough to ask a few searching questions. Maybe your mission this month should be to track down a local elder and learn something about their childhood. The older the elder, the better the stories, in my experience…
Enjoy the upcoming festival of bears, and keep an eye on the website to see if I’m coming anywhere near you in April!

With love and good wishes,

Erin x

Fading Echoes Preview!!

Warning! The following contains spoilers for the Power of Three series and The Fourth Apprentice.

Typed up by Seedfur

(I don’t care if you use this for your own purposes, just make sure to leave a link to this site somewhere)

From the back of The Last Wilderness:

Dovepaw trembled in her sleep.

    “Dovepaw! Dovepaw!” Voices wailed around her as she struggled in the current, dragging at her fur, swirling her through darkness. “Dovepaw!” The cries were jagged with fear. Trees and branches tumbled past her, sweeping away downstream. Darkness yawned below, stretching so far beneath her that horror caught in her throat.

     “Dovepaw!” Rippletail’s desperate, lonely whimper rang in her ears.

     With a start, she blinked open her eyes. Her Clanmates were sleeping around her, curled in their nests. Briarpaw muttered something and tucked her paw tighter over her nose. Blossompaw and Bumblepaw lay back-to-back, their flanks gently rising and falling, their soft breath warming the chilly predawn air.

     Dovepaw was safe.

     Her sister, Ivypaw, stirred beside her. “Were you dreaming?” The silver-and-white tabby raised her head a gazed anxiously at Dovepaw. “You were twitching like a mouse.”

    “Bad dream.” dovepaw fought to keep her mew steady. Her heart was pounding at Rippletail’s cry echoed in her mind. She stretched forward and licked Ivypaw’s head. “It’s gone now,” she lied.

    As Ivypaw’s sleepy eyes began to close, Dovepaw breathed in the soft scent of her sister. I’m home, she reminded her self. Everything’s okay. Yet her heart still pounded. She stretched in her nest, a shiver running to the tip of her tail, and clambered to her paws. Padding carefully between the nests, she headed out of the den.

     Moonlight bathed the deserted clearing, and above the rock walls that encircled the camp, the horizon was milky with dawn light. The mewls of Poppyfrost’s newborn kits drifted from the nursery, and snores rumbled from the dens. The air felt strange, cool, and wet on her muzzle. for many moons, Dovepaw had known nothing but the parched wind of drought, dry on her tongue. But now she could taste the green freshness of the forest, heady and mouthwatering.

     Thin clouds drifted across the star-speckled sky, draping Silverpelt like cobwebs. She wondered if Rippletail was watching from among her starry ancestors.

     I’m sorry. The words echoed in her mind like the lonely call of an owl.

     Even though the long journey upstream was a quarter moon ago, the memory still ached in her muscles. Dovepaw had traveled with Lionblaze and two cats from each of the other Clans to track down the beavers that had blocked the stream and starved the lake of water. Together they had destroyed the dam and unleashed the torrent that had filled the lake once more. And now life was returning to the territories. She felt it in the rustling of the forest, heard it in the stirrings of prey beyond the edges of the camp.

     Pride coursed through her. She had been the one to sense the beavers as they worked to block the stream. She had helped break their dam to pieces and now all the Clans would survive. But the memory was bittersweet, like yarrow on her tongue. The RiverClan warrior Rippletail had died fighting the large brown creatures, their heavy bodies stronger than foxes, their snapping yellow teeth deadlier than claws.

        Memories of the journey had thronged in Dovepaw’s mind since she’s returned, and Rippletail’s death haunted her dreams. Did Lionblaze feel the same? She didn’t dare ask. Nor could she confide in Jayfeather about how much the journey still clung to her thoughts. They might think she was weak. She had a great destiny ahead of her. Finding the beavers  was just part of it.

     How could she ever live up to the prophecy that had been given to Firestar many moons ago? There will be three, kin of your kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws.

     Dovepaw was one of the three, along with Lionblaze and Jayfeather. The realization still shocked her. She’d been an apprentice less than a moon and now she carried more responsibility than a senior warrior on her shoulders. What could she do but hone the power she’d been given, the power that made her one of the three? She practiced each day, reaching out with her senses as deep into the forest as she could, listening, tasting, feeling for sounds and movements even Jayfeather could not detect.

     Dovepaw crouched outside the den, her pelt ruffling in the damp air, and closed her eyes. She let the sensation of earth beneath her paws slide away, reached beyond the sound of Poppyfrost’s kits fidgeting in the nursery, and let her senses roam. Out beyong the stone cliffs that enclosed the camp, through the forest to the edges of ThunderClan territory, beyond the borders, over the lake, and through the trees beyond. The forest trembled with life, shivered in the early morning breeze, filling her senses with smells and sounds: mice scrabbling, birds shaking out their feathers before they began their morning song, an early ShadowClan patrol padding sleepily out of camp, their paws clumsy on the slippery, needle-strewn ground. the sharp scent of catmint growing beside the abandoned Twoleg nest bathed her tongue. The sound of water chattering over the rock-cluttered stream on the WindClan border stirred her ear fur. Two cats were padding slowly around the edge of the lake….


    Why were two cats slinking beside the lake at this time of day? It was too early for hunting. Two cats didn’t make a patrol, but these cats weren’t lost. Their pawsteps were heavy and deliberate as they moved along the shore. They knew where they were heading.

     Anxiety pricked at Dovepaw’s pelt. She blinked open her eyes. She should tell someone. But how could she explain without giving away her secret power?


What do you think the two cats are doing? Who do you think they are? Tell me in a comment below!

**Fading Echoes comes out on Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010!**

New Seekers Books and Conest!

You heard me, Seekers #4: The Last Great Wilderness and Toklo’s Story (the very 1st Seekers manga) are out today, February 9th! I’m not getting them until next Tuesday (my birthday!), so tell me how they are! Don’t forget to review them on the reviews page! (Click here)

Also, the Official Seekers site has a new contest; you can win all the Seekers books for you and a friend! For more details, click here.

In other (Warriors-related) news, Omen of the Stasr #2; Fading Echoes and Ravenpaw’s Path #2 come out on March 23rd, 2010 (like all other Warriors and Seekers release dates, it’s a Tuesday)

Also, there’s a 99% chance I’ll have a snow day tomorrow, and if I do, I’ll try to make some minor improvements to the site.


Browse Inside Seekers #4 and The First Seekers Manga!

Click the link above to Browse Inside Seekers #4; The Last Wilderness!

Also, on the site, there’s a link to view the first installment in the ever Seekers Manga book, Toklo’s Story!

Both books come out on February 9th, 2010 (that’s a Tuesday)


Seekers Great Bear Lake; Now Available in Paperback!

Yup, the second title in the Seekers series is now available in paperback!

Also, on a Warriors-related note, Kate Cary revealed on her blog that Night Whispers (Omen of the Stars #3) will include a point-of-view of a ShadowClan cat! Who do you think it is? Tell me in a comment below!


New Seekers Book Cover, Title, and Site Updates!

Yup, the book cover for Fire In The Sky (Seekers #5) is out!


This book comes out on May 11, 2010.

Also, the title for Seekers # 6 has been revealed! It’s…

Spirits In The Stars! (We’ll just call it SITS)

Also, from now on, i’ll be posting the actual image to any pictures instead of an off-site link. Just a little extra touch.

And… this site has reached 2,000 views! When I started this site way back in June, I never imagined it would get this far. But, thanks to amazing Warriors and Seekers fans like you, we made it! I’ll have a contest up as soon as I think of one.

I’ll also be changing and adding some new stuff on here. I’m thinking of starting a chatbox, adding numerous countdowns, and editing the contents of the pages. If you have any suggestions, please post them in a comment below.

-Meow for now, Seedfur