Archive for March 15, 2010

2011 Super Edition and New Site!

Before you freak out at the second part of the title, let me begin by saying that it does not affect this site. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s move on to the 2011 Super Edition;

(The following is from Warriors Wish)

For those who don’t know, the 2010 super edition is focusing on SkyClan, and will be titled SkyClan’s Destiny. But Victoria Holmes has just revealed the 2011 Super edition: Crookedstar’s Secret. Here’s what she said on her facebook page:

Hey Vicky can you give us any info on the Super Edition Kate’s going to be writing the summer? Also anything else on The Sign of the Moon? xD I know im eager.

Victoria Holmes Well, the next Super Edition (for next year, 2011) is going to feature Crookedstar (it might be called CROOKEDSTAR’S SECRET, actually) in the time before Into the Wild, so similar to the timespan of Bluestar’s Prophecy. I’ve always felt there were a lot of unanswered questions around Crookedstar: why did he become leader and not Oakheart? How did … See Morehe feel about his brother’s betrayal of his Clan by falling in love with Bluestar? And why did he let Silverstream do exactly the same thing with Graystripe? Could there have been a SINISTER PROPHECY involved? Gasp! I think there could! Sign of the Moon is going to see us back in the mountains with the Tribe of Rushing Water, and also travelling back in time to the ancient cats again, hooray!

And for the new new site; (the following is NOT from Warriors Wish)

I have started a new site, unlike any other Warriors site I’ve ever seen; it’s called Warriors Community Blog (aka WCB)

It’s not completely finished yet, and I’ll be making improvements all the time, but I’d really appreciate some feedback (good or bad)

Here’s the gist of it; instead of just one person posting (me), anybody who signs up is allowed to post.

