Archive for March 25, 2010

Fading Echoes Ultimate Spoilers!

I just realized something; I end 99% of my posts with an exclaimation point (Fact; 99% of people will scroll down the home page to see if I really do, in fact, end a lot of post titles with an exclaimation point). Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Now that you’re back (and sure I’m not lying), lets get back into the spoilers. Please, I beg of you, post any spoilers I missed (I didn’t read the book yet!) in a reply below!

Fading Echoes Ultimate Spoiler List (If you have common sense and don’t like spoilers, you’d have turned back by now)

-Ivypaw is being visited by Hawkfrost

-Briarlight gets paralyzed

-Poppyfrost’s and Berrynose’s kits are named Cherrykit and Molekit

-Russetfur dies in the battle between ShadowClan and ThunderClan

-Firestar looses another life (only 2-3 left)

-Dovepaw *may* have a crush on Tigerheart

-Firestar finds out about the prophecy

-Blossomfall, Bumbleflight, and Briarlight!

-Leopardstar dies

-Mistystar! Deputy: Reedwhisker (is he really Mistystar’s kit? We don’t know.)

-Blossomfall *may* have a crush on Toadstep

-Brokenstar is training Breezepelt (make your own inferences)

-Tigerstar influences the battle between ThunderClan and ShadowClan

-It looks like it’s going to be LionxCinder. Sorry, LionxIce fans

-Ivypaw has joined the “Dark Side”

-Longtail dies, crushes by the same falling tree that leaves Briarlight paralyzed

-Leafpool might know that Ivypaw is being visited by Hawkfrost

-Jayfeather finds out that Yellowfang had kits

New AuthorTracker!

No need for a fancy intro. Let’s just get right to the AuthorTracker:

AuthorTracker :: Erin Hunter

Hi everyone,

Omen of the Stars Book Two: Fading Echoes is on sale now!

It’s like watching an egg hatch, a flower bloom, the sun rise… Okay, maybe it’s not that globally significant but it’s pretty important in the world of the Erins. Besiege your local bookstore, order online, or badger your school librarian until you have a copy! I promise it’s worth it. 🙂 How will Dovepaw cope with being back in ThunderClan after her Epic Adventure? Why is Cinderheart so keen to share training sessions with Lionblaze? And what will Jayfeather do when one of his Clanmates is injured beyond his help? All these questions and more will be answered. Although other questions will be deliberately left unanswered, in a very annoying way, to lure you on to the next book, Night Whispers. (evil laugh)

In case one delicious new book isn’t enough, Ravenpaw’s second manga title, A Clan In Need, is also on sale. Everybody’s favorite loner is back, being shy and heroic all at the same time, bless him. If you haven’t read one of the manga books before now, perhaps we can tempt you to start with Ravenpaw’s trilogy? You won’t find these stories in the other books, and they often contain clues and hints about the main series so you could be missing out…

How are you getting on with the bejewelled puzzle on the Awesome Adventures website — Have you managed to beat my paltry score of 590? I’ve bookmarked it on my laptop to play while I’m travelling on tour. I’ll let you know my new best total at the end of April! Visit now for a new reader Q&A, the latest Warriors games, and exclusive Warriors quizzes!

Speaking of going on tour, as a special treat I’m starting my Tour Diaries early! The first entries are up already at Check them out for a glimpse into my preparations for the tour as well as a peek at what my life is like when I’m not travelling in fine style, meeting fans. I’m also going to include some incidents that happened on previous tours which didn’t make it into the Diaries, such as The Apple That Shouldn’t Have Been Eaten, and The Fan Who Picked An Argument. Life on the road doesn’t always go smoothly, and perhaps this is a good time to share some of the funnier – and downright weird – moments in my travels.

Full details of the Spring Tour will be available very soon. Please come and see me if you can, and let me know exactly what you think of Fading Echoes and A Clan In Need!

With love and good wishes,
Erin x